WE M1911 Fullmetal GBB Technical Info w/ Review

This is a review of source source™

This is my very 1st gas blow back, although having handled aegs, aeps and springers, i am a complete noob when it comes to GBBs, although i fired some, but i haven't owned one until now

I was ordering a 1911 tactical, but due to some circumstances, ended up with the 1911, THE BOX the box looks like any ordinary pistol black box but it is much smaller than i anticipated

inside the box is the 1911 full metal handgun, the extra mag wrapped in plastic, and a manual for the M1911 THE GUN The body my 1st impression upon seeing the gun was "it looks like plastic" maybe this is because of the 'gray' paint the WE painted on, the 'wood grips' are painted in dark brown, being used to black or wooden colored guns, my eyes has not adjusted yet to the grayish color of the 1911, i have not fired nor handled a real 1911 so i have no idea or comparison between both,

The sights the iron sights is a bit of a drawback for my taste, the rear sight is fixed, meaning, nothing i could ever do to correct the line of aim to the line of fire,

there are also no markings or white dots on the rear or even the front sight, which may hinder quick acquisition of targets due to the fact that in a dim lighted room, a gray colored sights will just blend in the foreground, i'll just use a white ink eraser and blot in dots to the rear sight and front sight, Grin the mag the unit comes with 2 mags, good for newbies like me LOL, the mag is made of metal and each will hold around 15 rounds, its a single stack mag.. so the 2 clips will give you at least 30 bbs. charging the mag with gas is easy, this was my 1st time to charge a mag and no spills at all, just align the nozzles, a quick press and 3-4 seconds later, release.. have no idea regarding the charging time of gas, but 5 seconds gives me 2 full clips (yes, 2 full clips compared to a friends' 1911 tactical that will just give 1 and a half clip, or am i just overcharging mine? Huh? ) the cool down on mags just like in other WE GBBs is also present in this unit, quick succession of double taps will freeze your mag faster than you can say Mississippi Grin

The slide the slide is made of metal, what kind of metal? i have no idea, but it is somewhat like a pot metal or an alloy, the problem that i can foresee in this slide is that its a little softer than the slide catch and in time, the slide catch will dig its way towards the rear of the slide like a mole burrowing in the sand Smiley the slide has no markings in it.. as blank as a bond paper, and you could put in any engravings of your desire such as the name of your dog, or your anniversary, imagination is the limit LOL the ejection port has a .45acp engraved on it

The Business End

the controls since im used to those KWC teka teka's, its usual for me to ignore what the heck is the function of this thing and that, since i know that most springer pistols have those 'controls' just for the looks and 'realism' of copying, they dont serve a purpose at all, although some does, but not all the WE 1911 boast a full working control such as the slide safety and the grip safety , you cant fire the gun when the safety controls are not engaged well, mag catch button works wonders, no problem with these.. FIRING the sound again, since im used to using guns that do 'plok' and those that do 'hwii-plok, hwiiiplok plok plok" using this gun adds up a new note to my ear, a piece of sound that puts a grin into my face, the kick of the gun is quite strong, stronger than the kwc sig sauer i handled, but at par with the WE tactical (yeah, they are just the same LOL) the accuracy i havent set the hop up yet but the drawback of the site has taken its toll, the gun fires slightly off to the right, at 3 meters! so upon increasing the distance, it'll increase the right ward trajectory of the gun, i dont want to end up firing to the left just to hit a target to the right LOL, but since i havent tested it outside ( i arrived around 8pm, its raining, and i could just do some indoor plinking) so i'll leave the accuracy until i could fully test the unit the hop up adjustment wheel

the power have not chronoed the unit yet, but it cant penetrate a side of a can at point blank although it'll give a very deep dent, will do more test on these later THE DISASSEMBLY the disassembly of the unit is quite easy and as others said,. does disassemble like the real thing, just align the 1st notch beside the groove of the slide catch, align it to the rear end of the slide release

then pull the take down pin/slide release out

the goodies

its a 1911!
full metal
green gas ready
extra mags
adjustable hop up
fully working controls
good fps

the baddies

poor metal Smiley
small clip size
prone to cool down effect
fixed sights
grayish look (some may find this as a goodie)